(PS. May this blog last longer than our LJs… xD)
Hello all!
Sylphalchemist here! I’m the second blogger on Fucking Shojo! 8D I will from time to time post about random wtf shojos I have encountered during my
My dog: ಠ_ಠ *stares at me as if saying stfu and let me sleep*
I’ve read a lot of random ass oneshots as my friend Cree here will attest to. From boyfriends that move back into the apartment their dead girlfriends were murdered in (and think nothing wrong of that) to girls trapped in a time loop where every day is the same day until they're suddenly attacked by hairballs in Forever 21 designer vests to even crazy orphans who hang their friend’s corpse from a tree and walk off into the sunset singing while wearing the clothes said friend was murdered in, you’d think I’d have seen it all. But no. This is why I love reading shojo – there’s always another one out there that’ll make you go wtf!? (
My pathetic introductions done, it’s time we focus on the main topic of this blog – wtf shojos. My post will feature the one-shot Tomo no Kowai-Hanashi (友のこわいはなし) or "Tomo’s Scary Story" found in the September issue of "The Hana to Yume."
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Now, you’d think with a title such as “Tomo’s Scary Story,” the main premise would be about a spooooooooooooky Halloween themed story aimed at audiences under 7. In fact, most would think ain’t nothing wtf gonna happen in this shojo. And also look at the cover page. What is scary about that? It’s just two chicks clinging to each other in their nighties.
The one-shot starts with the following sentence:
“Tomo…do you know about ‘the man underneath the bed?’”
This is Tomo. Our protagonist. Yeah, she's got some man hands going on but don't let them fool you. You can always tell a shojo heroine by the amount of space her eyes take up on her face :) |
Tomo looks at her friend like she just shot a baby out of her mouth. The hell you talking about, best friend? ಠ_ಠ Seeing as they have time to kill before class starts, the friend tells Tomo the story behind “the man underneath the bed.” Whooooooooooo. The tale starts with two students. One left something of his at the other’s place and went to retrieve said item. I guess his friend must not believe in locking his doors because the boy goes right in without any problems (and I guess the boy himself doesn’t believe in knocking on the front door to gain entrance to his friend’s place because…why knock when the door is unlocked?). Turns out his friend had retired early for the evening so it’s all dark inside the apartment. The boy thinks to turn the lights on before he looks for his forgotten goods but decides not to because he doesn’t want to risk waking his friend (if I were that friend, I’d rather this guy turn the lights on and alert me to his presence rather than me rolling over and opening my eyes to find someone scuttling around in my fucking room). The boy finds his shit – pencil, porn, graham crackers, whatever it was that was so important he snuck into his friend’s place to get – and leaves. The next day he hears his friend was murdered (wtf ( ՞ਊ՞)). Found on the friend’s bedroom wall, written in his blood, were the words: “Thanks for not turning on the light.”
Turns out there was a psycho underneath the friend’s bed who I guess got in because THE FRIEND DOESN’T BELIEVE IN LOCKING HIS DAMN DOORS AT NIGHT and had been there when ol’ boy entered his friend’s place. Had the boy turned the lights on, he’d have seen the psycho because the psycho is like 2 feet longer than the bed or something stupid. Really, unless this guy was like, a fucking fat triangle and didn’t know how to bend his limbs, I don’t know how turning on the light would have caused the boy to see him. I can barely see anything under my own bed with the lights on.
*goes to check underneath my bed*
*fucking shojo*
Needless to say, Tomo pretty much shits herself in class. Her friend – Sayoko – laughs at her friend’s reaction. This is when Tomo starts to fangirl about how awesome Sayoko is. They met on the first day of college, when Tomo stopped to examine a blister she got from wearing her fuck me pumps (…who wears HEELS on the first day of class!?). Sayoko gave her a Band-Aid…but that’s not all she gave. She also gave Tomo the Neosporin of friendship (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚ Since then, Tomo has been in hog heaven hanging with her super cool awesome chocolate sauce topped friend. Ain’t nothing going to ruin their friendship! Specially not that stupid story from the beginning of this one-shot! That’s irrelevant!
One day, Tomo is chillin in the streets when she bumps into Sayoko and some chick. Turns out the two are getting some drinks for Sayoko to down because she broke up with her boyfriend. When the other chick invites Tomo to join them, Sayoko explodes and tells the other chick that info she just blabbed was supposed to be kept between them.
Tomo: :(
Tomo is not a happy camper. Why would her super cool awesome chocolate sauce topped friend hide something this important from her? AREN’T THEY LIKE BFFs!?
Well, thankfully Tomo doesn’t dwell on the situation too long because she has the attention span of a turd. When she hears that Sayoko was cheated on by her man, she gets all levels of pissed. In her head, she thinks, damn, I’d shank that manslut for making my friend sad if I ever found him in a dark alleyway! She’s like…super cool awesome chocolate sauce topped! How do you cheat on chocolate!?
We time skip to the evening. The drinkfest over, Tomo and Sayoko head out from that chick’s house. However, Tomo suddenly realizes she forgot her phone and returns back to whatsherface’s place. She heads back and goes into the apartment (because that chick apparently doesn’t believe in locking her doors…). I didn't notice this the first time but apparently Tomo's phone somehow literally flies across the room and skids underneath the chick’s bed. The chick herself is asleep in the bed but she hasn’t woken up because 1.) Tomo hasn’t turned on the lights and 2.) she’s passed out drunk. That’s when Tomo’s mind decides to be a jackass and remind her of the “man underneath the bed” story. Determined to prove her brain otherwise, she looks under the bed and finds this:
ヽ(๏∀๏ )ノ
Needless to say, Tomo’s ass is outta that apartment. She turns into Sonic the Hedgehog and fucking floors it. She passes Sayoko at the apartment’s door but keeps on going. It’s every bitch for herself.
(wow…way to not even save that chick's or Sayoko’s ass, girl!)
I’m not sure how it’s possible but the next panel shows Tomo and Sayoko are outside together despite the fact Tomo left Sayoko in her dust to deal with the dude under the bed . They’re in a park I believe. Kind of hard to tell. Basically, they’re in a desolate isolated area. Where screams cannot be heard…
Sayoko is trying to get Tomo to tell her what’s up but all Tomo can get out is OAUTAOJGVIUAHT;AJKHATOIJATGHAGH!!!! After blabbering for several moment, Tomo suddenly has a grasp on her English...er, Japanese again and asks for Sayoko’s phone (for she dropped hers in her haste to get her sweet ass outta the apartment). Then she starts to explain what is freaking her out as she claws at Sayoko’s bag for Sayoko’s phone – basically, there was a dude under whatsherface’s bed and they need to call the cops now because THERE’S A DUDE UNDER HER FUCKING BED! (
Again, Sayoko tells Tomo to calm down. It’s just her boyfriend down there.
( ꒪Д꒪)ノ what?
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Geezus, Tomo. It's just my boyfriend sleeping underneath the bed of my female friend. What's so wrong about that? |
See, it turns out that earlier, Sayoko followed her bf to whatsherface’s house and began to strangle him.
( ꒪Д꒪)ノ what?
In the midst of cutting off his oxygen supply, she tells him not to leave her ~ He dies but in Sayoko's mind he just fell asleep so she decided to let him nap under what'sherface's bed because she's crazy. Which would have been all good except for the fact Tomo found him…
Tomo – oblivious to her predicament – realizes Sayoko wanted to get whatsherface alone…thus the shit fit when whatsherface invited Tomo along. But what was Sayoko planning on doing once the two were alone? (・<>・) (really? You’re going to ask that when your friend just confessed to strangling her boyfriend and hiding his body under his new woman’s bed!?).
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The rapist smile...you know shit's about to hit the fan when the rapist smile makes its appearance |
Sayoko smiles and kicks Tomo in the chest. Then she pulls out a hatchet. Welp, bitch. I think you have bigger problems to worry about than whatsherface. Sayoko asks Tomo why she looked under the bed. Tomo responds that she bumped her phone (bumped!? Lady, that think FLEW) because it was dark and the phone went under the bed.
As Tomo stares at her friend, she thinks: “Sayoko…meeting you brought great joy to my life.”
Too bad she’s about to kill you. Really, Tomo? I think screaming and moving your ass outta there is probably a better strategic move than sitting on the ground and remembering about the good ol’ days you had with your murderer friend!
The story ends with Sayoko bringing her hatchet down on the paralyzed Tomo.
“Had you turned on the lights, you would have lived.”
Anddddd, yeah...that's it. Not sure what the life lesson I was supposed to get out of this oneshot. Must have missed it because I was too busy going WTF!?
Seriously, (́◉◞౪◟◉‵) the fuq did I just read?
Fucking shojo xD
I imagined either girl shouting, "BFFS FOR LIFE! TEE HEE!" before the axe went down.
ReplyDeleteJeez, the boy's body underneath the bed creeped the hell out of me more than it did when you texted it to me.
If only the main girl applied her Sonic abilities in the final scene. Psycho friend: Tee hee, you're too slow~
OMFG, had she done that, "Tomo's Scary Story" might actually have been a contender for worst one-shot I have read since "Desert Requiem" D8
ReplyDeleteGah, what's with all these crazy bitches lately!? It's a nice break from the usual dumbass heroines but fuck...they scare me! And the hatchet!? Really!? How the hell did Sayoko manage to get a hatchet to fit in her purse!? 8U
I saw someone post about the picture awhile ago but seeing the pages in front of me still freaked me out. Like...WTF IS THIS WHY IS THERE A GUY UNDER HERE OH SHIT OH SHIT WHAT KIND OF FUCKING SHOJO AM I READING D8
Gotta give props to the manga-ka. She did a great job drawing a fucked up scene. Man hands aside.
Haha, Tomo probably would have ran out of there but the one-shot had only 3 pages left and you gotta end on a dramatic note! That's what shojo is about ~ ;D
(PS. I've found my next shojo one-shot to blog about. It was only 10 pages but it had so much wtf I can't even...)
Tomo's Scary Story and Desert Requiem are on different levels in terms of "Fuck you, Shoujo. I trusted you!" I can't say that either one is worse than the other. Her hatchet's like Santa's bag. She's also got some nunchucks and a bazooka in there. And gum. Always gotta have gum.
DeleteHey, if the manga I was reading weren't so damn long, I could really milk the pages of all its crap.
Wow...wtf is Santa doing with nunchucks and a bazooka?
DeleteIs the economy so bad he's trying to incite a rebellion against the government by giving all the good little boys and girls of the world weapons so they can join his army of anarchy?
We know he has the gum because you need something to keep you awake while driving ~
Well one kid wanted to be a ninja turtle and the other kid wanted to end high school oppression. And Santa uses his chewed up gum as suction cups to get back up the chimney.
DeleteOh high school ~ Such times were those.
DeleteLol, that'd be funny if their weapons were switched. The ninja turtle got the bazooka and turned out to be the greatest ninja of them all (he can even blend in with that sucker strapped to his back. Why? Because he's a ninja!). The other got the nunchucks and hit himself in the balls...
And Santa likes to leave his chewed gum in the hair of naughty children...
This story...was wtf scary. I'm going to go hide in my corner now.
ReplyDelete"Tomo's Scary Story" is legitly a fucked up creepy story o___O; Not sure if that's what high school girls in Japan wanted to read about but dumgummit, that's what the manga-ka drew so they've got no other choice!
Delete"Desert Requiem" is another messed up shojo one-shot if you want to be paranoid about what your friends may do to you if they're not right in the head...
Where'd she get that weapon from?
ReplyDeleteLol, whoops ~ Forgot to mention ol' crazy here pulled that hatchet out of her handbag. You can kinda see the bag on the second to last picture, sorta near the left :3