Thursday, December 20, 2012

Incest is Bad, Mmkay?

Brother from another mother? Sister from another mister? Please, in the manga world, that means those characters are half-siblings. There's just something about sharing the same womb (or the same man sack) that sends the reader's mind into a frenzy. And authors take advantage of that.

"On weekends we set up a skybox for our bedtime adventures."
I don't condone incest, but I sure read the hell out of it. The taboo nature of the relationship is hard to resist. I get a kick out of watching siblings simmer in their angst, wondering why fate has brought them together like this only to rip them apart with blood ties. You may say that I'm a sadist, but I'm not the only one. (I'm so sorry John Lennon for twisting your beautiful words.)

And after I've had enough of the angst burger, that's when the "you've got to be kidding me" kicks in.

Why is the brother such a psycho?

When it comes to incest in manga, there's always the dominant one and the submissive one. One is always aggressive about their love and the other is always reluctant or the one who goes along with it. In hentai, it's usually the sister who's the dominant one (talk about catering to the reader's fantasies), but when it comes to shoujo, it's the brother.

Perhaps the authors are adhering to the stereotype of males being the more aggressive one. Not ground breaking material, but okay. There's just one problem I have. With that aggression, the brother usually gets to be the smarter one. It annoys me. I have nothing against smart characters. I like how they use their precious minds to construct elaborate ruses to foil the government or pick apart a toaster just because. But the guy uses his smarts to manipulate his sibling. Sometimes for the better--he lies that he's going away for a while or that he never loved her. But most times, for the worse--"You said you'd never leave me. I'll never love anybody again!"
I would pity him if he hadn't said this after she refused to have sex with him.
Oh how I despise the latter. The sister ends up pitying the guy and is emotionally blackmailed into staying with him. It doesn't even matter if she's in a relationship already (which is when the brother realizes he needs to step up). She's going to drop her poor boyfriend because her brother needs her. There's no closer and more suffocating tie than family.

I can think of several instances where I wanted to smack the "in" out of "incest", add an apostrophe and scream, "C'est la vie, bitch!" to anybody who protests.

Trouble is, there's not enough time in the day to go through them all. So here are some highlights.

Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru (Secret Sweethearts)

It's a popular series dealing with the twins, Yori and Iku. I never got into it so I can't give a fair opinion. All I know is, the moment Yori started molesting Iku while she was sleeping right in the first chapter, I was out. (And the art wasn't my taste.)

Blue (Sakisaka Io)

Short 1 volume story about Reiji and Anna where the girl is the aggressor and the boy is the more reluctant one until a third character convinces him to confess his true feelings. It's a bit bland in the drama department because it ends right when they decide to be together. But besides the seemingly short and unsatisfying ending, there's nothing wrong with it. And the two are cousins. The reason why I mention this story is because of a plot twist it shares with the next story.

Oujitachi wa Izonsuru

Another short 1 volume story. This time about a teenaged boy, Yoshino, and his love for his younger sister, Himeko. I think the brother would have gone his whole life without telling his sister if their father never got remarried. They meet their new stepmom and stepbrother, Tsubaki, who is conveniently the same age as the sister. And from day one, Tsubaki makes it clear he does not like what's going on between Yoshino and Himeko. He tells Yoshino to give up on Himeko.

He's stepping on a cherry tomato. Salad Fingers would be displeased it's gone all gooey.
Eventually, Himeko wants to know what Yoshino's hiding from her so Tsubaki, the sneaky little bastard, convinces her to hide in her brother's closet with him. And they watch Yoshino masturbate. Right up to when Yoshino cries out Himeko's name. Oh boy.

Himeko bounds out of the closet crying. Yoshino's demands to know why Tsubaki would do this.

Tsubaki: I warned you to give up on Himeko. You only have yourself to blame. Now Himeko's bound to hate you. Trolololol. Oh btw...

Figures I'd find a manga where it's incest or yaoi.
Yeah, Tsubaki pushes Yoshino onto the bed and starts making out with him. After he pulls away to take a breather, Tsubaki says, "Please don't misunderstand. The person I love, is you." As if the make out session wasn't a clear indicator.

And this is where Blue and Oujitachi differ. In Blue, Anna becomes friends with a girl named Rumi who seems to like her cousin, but actually is in love with Anna. But because Rumi wants Anna to be happy, she convinces Renji to confess his true feelings.

As opposed to Tsubaki who can't help choke slam his competition against the wall.
"I could tell on you and brother dearest. But that would be too simple."
So how did Tsubaki develop such strong feelings to the point of choking his rivals? Apparently, Tsubaki has loved Yoshino ever since they met outside of a cafe. Such a terrible day it was. It was raining (as always) and Tsubaki confesses his feelings to his friend only to be slapped. Tsubaki just stands there as his friend yells at Tsubaki about how disgusting he is and to never come near him again. And of course the moment Tsubaki's friend leaves, Yoshino comes out and opens an umbrella over Tsubaki's head.

Yoshino: I saw what happened. That slap was super loud. Were you guys having an argument? I mean, I was cleaning tables next to the window less than a foot away from you, but yeah.
Tsubaki: ...Who are you?
"Get away from me, you hippie."
Yoshino: I'm a part-timer who works in shop behind you. Oh no, your face is swollen. That hurts a lot right? Please wait here. Lawl, look at the handkerchief I have in my pocket. Now we'll use the water from the rain. There you go, little guy. Doesn't this handkerchief damp with rain feel good against your cheek? Totally can be used as an emergency ice pack.

Not impressed with Yoshino's survival skills, Tsubaki replies, "Guess everybody calls you a good Samaritan."
Yoshino: Nope. I'm not nice to just anybody. You simply reminded me of my little sister since you look the same age. And I'm in love with my sister as you will find out later. So I couldn't sit back and watch...even though I technically did. But hey, I brought you an umbrella. Now you don't have to get wet..wetter. I helped you.

The 'sit back and watch' phrase triggers a memory of Tsubaki's awful friend which causes Tsubaki to break down, and he yells how much he hates people who act like the 'good guys' the most, then explains that he wasn't arguing with his friend, he was confessing. His friend always treated Tsubaki so kindly only for this bullshit to happen. By then, Yoshino begins to look very uncomfortable. Tsubaki smiles, bitterness seeping out fresh from the betrayal, and he asks, "Do you think I'm annoying as well?" (A bit of an anti-climatic statement.)

Yoshino: I'm sorry, my boss is glaring at me through the window. (The real reason for my 'you just killed a puppy' face.) I have to go back inside. I'll give you my handkerchief. You have to keep an ice pack on it or else a bruise will form. Oh one more thing, I don't think you're disgusting at all.

So ever since that life changing experience where he realizes not every guy is a homophobic asshat, Tsubaki would pass by Yoshino's workplace, watch him from the window, gaze at his precious handkerchief...until one day his mom tells him, "I'm going remarry. And here's a picture of him and his kids, a photo which you've never seen. Isn't it convenient that I've never mentioned his kids before? Will you support me, dear son who I don't share things with?"

Which leads us back to Tsubaki hugging Yoshino on the bed, and through that detailed flashback, Yoshino finally recognizes Tsubaki has 'that guy from the rainy day'. Unfortunately, Tsubaki's mom knocks at the door, ruining their moment.

Tsubaki's mom: Yoshino, do you know where Himeko went? Went to her room to bring her fresh laundry and...she's not there. Kinda panicking here. She left her cell phone. And it's raining outside so...
Yoshino's dad: Yoko, calm down.
Tsubaki's mom: 'Kay.
"Is that lotion? Can I have some?"
Yoshino has a guess where Himeko is. He grabs the handkerchief conveniently on top of the fresh laundry, the same one he entrusted to Tsubaki that long time ago. (Yeah, grab a handkerchief instead of a towel, who needs common sense when you can have drama.)

Yoshino finds Himeko at the playground, same place she goes to whenever she runs away apparently. He tries to convince her to come home but Himeko's not having this incest nonsense, pneumonia be damned.

I should be feeling the drama but all I can think of is how big Yoshino's hand looks in this picture. 
He reacts by licking her upper lip (way to debate your case), and then bitterly confirms Himeko's statements, adding that he is truly sick in the head. But he's madly in love with her. He wanted to keep it a secret for the rest of his life.

Himeko's crying by this point, and Yoshino tells her if she doesn't want to go home because he's there, he will leave. He wraps his jacket over her head, says sorry, and bids her goodbye. He turns to leave. It doesn't take very long for Himeko to tackle him to the ground into the mud (the drama llama is strong in this one), begging him not to go. Yoshino cries. (OH HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AT LAST.)

They go home. Tsubaki's mom is relieved, though she's wondering why the hell they're both covered in mud. Himeko explains that she wasn't being careful so she and Yoshino fell down together.
Tsubaki: Damn, there goes my plans for prom. Guess I'll go cry in my room now. 
Himeko decides to accept her brother's feelings, leaving Tsubaki to slink in the shadows wishing for her to die.

The last chapter includes a mini flashback of Yoshino as a twelve year old (I'm guessing), the moment when Yoshino saw Himeko with an unfamiliar boy and realized he loved Himeko. Yoshino's quite the jealous guy even at that age. He decks the poor boy before anything could be said. His excuse?

"In fact, I think I see it again. Please excuse me."
Back in the present, Yoshino has a morning make out session with Himeko in his room. He's displeased with the lack of enthusiasm but since Himeko "accepted" his feelings, he won't give up on her. He runs into Tsubaki in the hallway.

"So I didn't get stabbed by a mugger and hallucinating all of this from the blood loss?" 

"...oh fuck you, Yoshino. Go back to your incest fiddling."
Tsubaki tries to convince Yoshino to pick him one last time.

Yoshino: ....NOPE!

Yoshino walks away, smooth douche style.

Himeko also walks out, chats a little bit with Tsubaki about how she's totally not doing anything in his room. Tsubaki later picks her up from her class, and they walk home together (yeah, this is the part where he choke slams Himeko). Himeko tries to avoid Yoshino, and when he asks why she's suddenly doing that, she replies nervously that nothing happened. Yoshino drags her into his room anyway for more make out time.

Yoshino: A guy who thinks saying nothing also means yes.
They have sex. Even after Himeko tells Yoshino that she's scared and that she's had enough, he guilt trips her.

Yoshino: Can't you think of me as another guy who has fallen in love with you? You chose to stay by my side. That was what you said when we were walking home right? You told me that you always stay by my side! LOOK AT MY TEARS. HAVE YOU NO HEART?

Himeko: Oh I'm so sorry Yoshino. Come into my bosom. Of course I'll stay by your side!

Go fuck yourself, Yoshino.

This series ends with Tsubaki standing outside their room, biting his thumb as he listens to Himeko chant Yoshino's name. There's two extra chapters. One is about Tsubaki having a wet dream involving Yoshino and him doing stuff in the restroom (SHOUJO!), and the other is another story about incest with a different pair of siblings (this time showing the sex in action instead of 'fade to black').

I blame my inner BL fangirl. I tend to gravitate towards the ones that look like they were drawn by BL artists, and often get to read plots like this.

I started writing this entry around the end of November with the intention of focusing on this last series. But now it's the end of December, and I'm not in the mood to summarize seven volumes. It's pretty damn interesting nonetheless. So here's a quick summary.

Flowers of Evil

Another series featuring fraternal twins. The boy twin's love for his sister warps him into a murderous psycho. They both have heart problems and they're Catholic. Terrific.

Awww, he stayed by her bedside the whole time.
Good feeling's gone.
Credits: Twee Quidam Scans, Project: Noir


  1. ...and you complied.

    Anyway, putting aside that creepy moment of commentness, great read and I share your sentiment. I used to watch "Dexter" until I found out the actor who plays Dexter was going out with the actress who plays his sister...and I was like "whelp, I'm done with this show." My mind isn't that bright sometimes.

    1. Haha I was surprised to find out they were a couple too once (I think they broke up). A lot of the main male leads go out with their co-stars in real life. James Roday and Maggie Lawson from Psych, Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin from True Blood, Jared Padalecki married one of the actresses who played Ruby from Supernatural...I guess when you're with someone 24/7 during filming, you tend to bond a lot.

    2. Hahahaha. Jared Padalecki and Ruby (actress)! I love how they parodied that couple on one of season 6(?) episodes!! That was such a fun episode. Misha Collins was awesome in that episode. Which Ruby did you like more? I liked Katie Cassidy's Ruby better b/c she seemed more mysterious and confident. Genevieve Cortese...she seemed...too sexy? or too anxious? I don't know, she didn't really click with me. I started watching "arrow" because of Katie Cassidy....

      ...ends thought.

    3. That episode was rather awesome. Even though Misha Collins said "Mishamigos" as a joke, I thought that would be a fun name for his fans. I liked Katie Cassidy's Ruby better too. I agree that she had this confidence. She was Ruby as opposed to acting the character "Ruby". Genevieve Cortese seemed to have a sweetness that was trying to be sexy.

      I've never seen "Arrow" but I'll be sure to check it out.

  2. Oh, have you read Angel Sanctuary? That was kind of a mind fuck for teenage me.

    1. I've read Angel Sanctuary. It was a mind fuck for me as well. I didn't understand half of it when I first read it (body switching what?) and am too lazy to read it again now that I'm older. I was going to mention it here but I liked Setsuna. Unlike all the other incest mangas I read, he was going to let Sara go and be happy so I sympathized with him.

      Went down a crazy train fast when she died though. @_@ Daaaaamn, that's a lot of plot twists for one series.

    2. I just realized...I actually never read the whole thing before, just bits and pieces...

      Someone put it perspective for me once, "This is actually not Incest. It's actually a lesbian relationship because Setsuna is actually a she-angel."

      and basically teenage was like, "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat..........I'm confused more than ever."

    3. Haha Same for me. There series was too long and I lost interest.

      Haha Sounds like the same reasoning people did with Kaname and Yuki. "It's not incest because her brother's body is being used. It's not his spirit." The whole point of incest is they share the same DNA. That's all it is. There are cases in real life where people who grew up separately, meet each other and fall in love, only to find out they are long lost siblings.

      From what I understood, Setsuna is the "last" (I'm assuming) reincarnation of a female angel (think her name is Alexis). This angel reincarnated so many times in different bodies. But each time, there's another personality. So she is never the same person. The author was always one for complex storylines.

      This whole reincarnation talk reminds me of a Naruto fanfic I read when I was in high school where Naruto lives his life over and over and does different things with each lifetime. He becomes a musician in one lifetime, a vagrant the next. And he remembers every single lifetime. It was so beautiful that I wished it was an original story so I could buy it. It's even influencing me to write something similar.

    4. whoa...that does sound like a good story. Why couldn't that person be published instead of Stephanie Meyers. D= I want to read your story after you finish it. =D

    5. There are tons of fanfics I've read that could have worked as original stories. I've got the bone structure, just need to figure how to get from Point A to B. I'm interested to read your sci-fi story as well comic or novel.

  3. Oujitachi wa Izonsuru: Ah, I remember this manga. I've read it because the art is quite pretty. the story? A bit meh. I've dropped this at third chapter. Thank God, this is only one volume. If this manga turn into BL subplot, maybe I will like it a bit.

    I don't have anything against incest. I still wonder how you can fall in love with your brother/sister if you seeing them everyday. Most incest case I've seen (in real life or manga):
    1. Their parents divorced, so they're being separated since born or children. When they meet again, they don't recognize each other, so they fall in love and yada yada the angst come.
    2. Almost same as above, but the siblings continue communication via email and don't meet frequently.

    Conclusion? Parents, control your fruit lus, eh... love. And don't get divorced.

    1. The bonus chapter has some BL but that's because Tsubaki was having a wet dream.

      I read an article where it explains such connections could be formed between siblings who have never met as a way to make up for a bond that should have been there. As for people who fall in love with their sibling after seeing them every day, maybe it evolved from a brother or sister complex. Who knows. I heard of the Japanese myth that star-crossed lovers are reincarnated as twins.

    2. "I heard of the Japanese myth that star-crossed lovers are reincarnated as twins."
      Ah, Japanese. Is there anything "normal" at Japan? All their anime character is gay or bi, even if they're straight.

    3. Japan is known to be very eccentric. Most authors love to provide fanservice because that's what their readers want. There are a lot of BL fangirls out there, myself included.

  4. Check out "Koi Kaze". It deals with incest in a realistic way.
