I'm going to take a break from the usual format (introduction, one or two manga examples of topic, 'desperate attempt to wrap things up' conclusion) to write about my frustrations about something that is supposed to take my mind away from the crappy facts of life.
I depend on the internet to numb my brain. Manga is one sedative that I'm used to. But every now and then, a series comes by and riddles my brain full of holes like a drive by shooting.
And I get angry. But I usually put down the book or rather close the window. I don't have to read it.
Just like I didn't have to screen cap Anya's eyes open for this pic. |
What frustrates me the most are the series who lure me into loving them. I accept them into my home, let their pages catch my tears on the days when I'm upset, and share them with my friends, only for them to betray me in the end with filler chapters and confusing plot twists.
I understand when television shows do that--they have a staff of writers. They have to collaborate, and each writer has their own style. The writers also have to write characters in or out of a series based on the actor's contract.
However, books, manga written by one author doing that? I'm already sharpening my pitchfork.
But since I love my expensive laptop, and I don't live on a farm, instead I'm going to compose a list of the top three ways to lose fans and alienate readers.
The Top Three Ways to Lose Fans and Alienate Readers
- Confuse the reader (ex. absurd plot twists, drastic changes in character)
- Go on a hiatus
- Have your plot move at an excruciating pace